Just about the time I was feeling really good about my Surly Long Haul Trucker, I discovered the PoleRider.
Jeff describes it as a bicycle rickshaw with a mobile stripper pole in the back. It’s the mullet of bicycles- business in the front, party in the back. The PoleRider was engineered and built by a team of three professional industrial designers to withstand immense leverage loads without failing. Yes mom, that’s what that expensive industrial engineering degree is going towards- keeping strippers balanced. I’m sorry, I mean “pole dancer”. The stripcycle makes the rounds in NYC and you can rent it out by the hour complete with pole-dancing hottie for $300 for the first, $200 each additional.
The PoleRider melds cycling and exotic dancing, giving a new meaning to the phrase exercise in bad taste.
Of course, I’m being too hard on the PoleRider folks, who have a classy mission statement:
PoleRider is a new invention that unites two great things that are even better together: bicycles and pole dancers! Our mission is to raise awareness of the immense potential of pedal power and to bring pole dancing to the streets where dancing belongs. PoleRider was engineered and built by three professional industrial designers to withstand immense leverage loads without failing. Our dancers are trained professionals. Don’t try this at home!!! If you are driving, remember to look out for bicycles. One of them might be PoleRider!
For some reason, most pictures don’t emphasize the bike’s chassis
But, the site does have one shot of the guts of the PoleRider. That must be one heavy puppy.
There are lots of technical things to consider, based on this comment,
I’m thinking about rotating the bars forward a bit. The thing is so heavy that my climbing/riding position is a big priority. Raising the stage is out, but I will be experimenting with pole length for PoleRider2 since the Veloettes have asked for more pole. The leverage on the base of the pole increases tremendously with only minor increases in length so there is a limit. We are working with signals and choreography to overcome the problem.
Andrew Katzander notes that “I get kicked in the head a lot, but it’s worth it.”
They don’t need any more “pilots” AKA Flesh Pedalers
But they are looking for more dancers who are described as professional athletes, acrobats, aerialists and dancers who perform with amazing strength, flexibility and showmanship. They are also bicycle racers, bike commuters and regular bike riders themselves.
For more “information” about PoleRiders
I couldn’t afford the accessories
I gave some thought about asking if the PoleRiders would take my Surly LHT in trade, but then I thought the better of it.
I might be able to afford the bike, but I’d never be able to afford the accessories.