Three Feet Please Jersey
My virtual friend, Andrew, AKA Aushiker, was blogging about the 3 Feet Please jersey designed by Florida rider Joe Mizereck to encourage drivers to observe the three-foot minimum passing distance.
He was trying to start a groundswell campaign in his native Australia to get a similar One Meter Law passed.
Slow Moving Vehicle Sign on Camelbak
I told Andrew that I like the jersey, but the Slow Moving Vehicle triangle attached to my CamelBak M.U.L.E. would cover it up, unfortunately.
He asked if I could show him how I have it mounted. Wife Lila snapped this just as Son Matt and I were getting ready to dip our wheels in the Gulf of Mexico after riding across Florida.
Taillights add visibility
Matt and I both rode with taillights. My RealLite and Nightrider were caught between flashes, but the always-on generator light is can be seen glowing.
We were on the last, short leg of our tour, so I left the panniers behind. Otherwise, you’d have seen anotherĀ SMV triangles mounted on the left one.
An experiment with the Flash Flag
I experimented with a Flash Flag, visible above my left knee. It’s kind of lost when panniers are mounted. I had to do some playing around to get it to work on the rear of my rack. I’ll dust it off and see if I can make it work on my Surly Long Haul Trucker and give it another try.
I bought mine after my eye was drawn to the flags when a couple of tourists come through town several years ago.